Build-to-suit investment (BTS) is a finished industrial structure designed for a dedicated user. BTS, as opposed to an available speculative area, is characterised by the arbitrariness within the scope of:
Location – facilities can be erected on the building sites which are situated within the number of developer lands or on a ground chosen by the Client for the purposes of their business;
Size of the industrial area – dependent on the Client’s needs;
Size of the office area – dependent on the Client’s needs;
Size of personnel’s area – dependent on the prospective employment;
Type of cooperation – the available methods include the lease transaction or construction with the purpose of selling the investment to the Client;
Function of the facility – industrial, warehouse, light-weight manufacturing, intensive manufacturing.
The purpose of a cooperation on the BTS project is the realisation of an investment which takes into consideration a number of specific needs of a lessee in order to make use of the storage space to the full extent, to adjust the space to technical conditions of the business and to provide the non-standard demands for the electric energy or specific location.
The Client has an opportunity to shape the space which they lease out from the beginning. By means of the BTS system, the Client receives a project which is designed to meet their demands. A lessee can arbitrarily arrange the office space or warehouse modules which is why they have as much space as they need and it is organised in a way that it can be used most efficiently. |